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Politiche di Coesione nelle scuole italiane

Talk about your research

Advanced Winds: The Future is Now

We are students of “Liceo Scientifico Archimede” in Acireale, taking part in ASOC project 2023/2024. 25 thinking minds part belonging to 4A and 5E classes, and definetely ready for the change!
The project chosen is called "WEAMS - WIND ENERGY ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" (CUP: B69J17000420008) and it is a FESR project (Structural Funds relating to the 2014-2020 programming), which sees the collaboration of BAXENERGY ITALIA S.R.L and University of Catania. It started on 24/11/2016 and ended on 23/12/2018. All of the € 870.124,50 allocated (of which cohesion resources €612,643.99) has been invested. This plan was funded by the European Regional Development fund, the Development and Cohesion Fund and the Revolving Fund. It was programmed by the Ministry of Economic Development; besides that, all the figures of the beneficiary, the actuator and the creator correspond to BAXENERGY ITALIA S.R.L. Moreover, the project’s aim is to build a technologically advanced platform which takes advantage of artificial intelligence and unique softwares to ensure a smart management of wind turbines, with a meaningful reduction of costs while improving performances, while getting a remarkable reduction of pollution rate, and safeguarding the environment. Thus, the project wants to guarantee a sustainable and eco-friendly future to the next generations and to the present ones. The environmental issue is of paramount importance and needs to be solved as soon as possible: about this, WEAMS does an outstanding job and that is the reason why we have chosen this project.
During this month our team has met at school several times, though our commitment continued even outside. The first meetings were useful in order to observe and explore the various projects on the "Open Coesione" website and in dividing the roles; after choosing to monitor the aforementioned project we gave voice to our creative flair, creating the logo and the team name!
Analyzing it, we can state that our name, “WISES”, that is also an acronym (Wind, Innovation, Smartness, Energy and Sustainability) is naturally linked to the main characteristics of our project: Wind, Innovation, indeed the project we have chosen is included in the "Research and innovation" theme on the "Open Coesione" website, Smartness of the project’s softwares, Energy of the wind turbines and the Sustainability as one of the most important project’s goals. So we could say that we are the WISES of the environment. Now examining the logo, our name immediately makes an impact: WISES. We chose to put it in the foreground and to write it in red in order to immediately attract the observer's attention; in fact it is a name and an acronym that will accompany us for the entire duration of our project. The fluttering leaves surrounding our team name, along with the vibrant green ground, represent the concept of renewable energy. In addition, those little leaves suggest that the project will bring a breath of innovation in the sustainable development sector. The wind turbines are obviously related to the main project’s theme, which is wind (and smart) energy. Because of this, they are the most important parts of the logo, since they are our weapons against non-renewable energy and the means that will let us achieve our goal.
We are ready to start this adventure and our Facebook, Tiktok, Twitter and Instagram profiles are also ready to inform our public! Young people are our ideal target, hoping for a change, hopefully starting from the new generations. By the way, our project is addressed to anyone wishing to change and act, actually making the difference.
We hope to be able to have the collaboration of the protagonists of the "WEAMS - WIND ENERGY ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" project (mentioned in the Canvas), in order to collect interesting data, and that with our work and commitment there will be a positive impact on the environment.

Finally we end our text with the motto that will always accompany our research: “Advanced Winds: The Future is Now!”.