A group of students from Ciliberto of Crotone takes part in this civic monitoring action. The monitored project is "Works of completion of 14 housing in the Gesù area in the municipality of Crotone", a project which falls within the European Regional Development Fund, 2014-2020 programming cycle. The programmer is the Calabria Region; the actuator and beneficiary is Territorial company for public residential construction in Calabria. The specific objective of the project is to reduce the number of families, with particular social and economic fragilities, who find themselves in housing hardship conditions. The start was scheduled for September 29, 2015, the end for October 10, 2019. Despite, although 657,350.50 euros were spent, against a loan of 1,248,005.50 euros, the works were never completed. The name of the team, Future builders, aims to be evocative. In a city, such as that of Crotone, in which some neighborhoods such as that of Fondo Gesù, the object of our monitoring, live a strong social hardship, we propose, as possible material builders of a different future, to develop participatory processes also based on the widespread use of new technologies and social media, in accompaniment, and not as an alternative, to the more traditional forms of participation in the governance processes of the territory and cities. The starting point of our activity is art. 118, last paragraph of the Constitution, where it is said that «State, Region, Metropolitan Cities, Provinces and Municipalities promote the autonomous initiatives of citizens, both as individuals and as members of associations, relating to activities of general interest, on the basis of the principle of subsidiarity» . The aim we propose to achieve is to implement subsidiarity activities that are no longer horizontal but circular for the creation of forms of participatory urban regeneration. The team's logo depicts, on a dark background, a symbol of urban decay that currently characterizes the Fondo Gesù neighbourhood, a city founded on that social justice capable of placing the citizen and his rights at the center of a process of urban regeneration, symbolized by colours.
We believe that public housing is a fundamental issue for regenerating those urban fabrics characterized by the presence of a high crime rate, promoting equity and strengthening social capital. After assigning a role to each team member based on their individual's inclinations, in the initial phase of data expedition we proceeded with the collection of open data through the use of software such as Excel and Openrefine; the dataset was then structured through a scraping phase. Once the data was found and the quality and usability ascertained, we moved on to their processing. In light of the data found, we would like to start from a concept of territory which must not be understood as pure geographical data, but as an anthropological environment. Our research will, therefore, be addressed not only to the school community but to the entire national territory. The data found in our research process will be disseminated through social channels (facebook, twitter, instagram, tik tok), through a newly created blog updated daily by us students and the activation of a web radio.